Monday, July 2, 2007

Lots of dollars

I thought I should mention that we struggled a little bit with advertising all of those dollar amounts in our previous post. We decided to go ahead for two main reasons.
  1. We have actually had a fair number of people ask why adoptions cost so much. So it seems that there is a general interest in how/why adoption costs add up.
  2. If you are considering adoption then maybe the list of costs will assist you in your decisions and plans. Costs change over time and vary from country to country, but at least it is a starting point.


Kristin Wolfe said...

Wow, it amazes me how much of a process adoption is. When, naturally, anyone can become a parent. It is good that they take precautions with adoptions as these children have been left once. I give you guys a lot of credit and send prayers your way for a quick and positive outcome...and the addition of your new daughter.

MC said...

I am a D'Phi alumna and found your blog through Maureen's alumnae page...and I just wanted to let you know that I was checking in and also think this is an amazing thing you are doing! One of my nursing school professors adopted a daughter from China last year...adding to the three biological sons she had at home already. I know her little girl has been an amazing blessing in her life...and yours will be one day as well!