Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The first step arrives...

Exactly three weeks ago, we learned about Gracelynn. 13 days ago, our agency submitted our LOI (Letter of Intent) and several other papers to CCAA, China Center of Adoption Affairs. Today, we received our PRE APPROVAL!!!


What does the PA mean? My understanding is that CCAA looked over these few papers, photos, etc. and gave us the go-ahead to continue. Now, we will await the LOA (Letter of Approval). This will come after CCAA finds our dossier under stacks and stacks of dossiers and goes through each document and determines we're okay. Our agency says 3-6 months or so. Another lady also awaiting an adoption of a little boy at the same orphanage as Gracelynn says that her agency told her 2-4 months. She's currently on day 33.

After the LOA, comes the TA. (I'm slowly learning these acronyms!) The TA is travel approval. At that point, we'll make our travel plans and buy tickets, etc. Travel will probably occur a few weeks later. We're still hoping for June. Earlier is good, as long as it doesn't conflict with my dad's schedule. :-) Please pray it won't be affected by the Olympics. I don't want to know that she's way over there without us for that long! Our goal is to get her BEFORE 8-8-8. :-)

Now that CCAA knows our name and has pre-approved us, we can finally send out a package to Gracelynn!!! I plan to get a couple of more items for the package, then off it goes. She'll soon learn that she's about to have a forever mommy and daddy of her own (not to mention built-in sister and brothers!)


Anonymous said...

Dad's schedule should not be a concern!

Anonymous said...

...said Dad!