Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day

Today we took a drive around some neighboring country towns since it was a beautiful day. Here is the sight from the front seat of the van... as you can see, we nearly fill it up now! After our drive, we headed to the mall for a few little things, lunch at Chik Fil A, and a quick stop at the indoor playground. Gracelynn and Tommy both played very well on the playground while Ben and Reagan helped Mommy do a little shopping.

On the way home, we stopped at a local park. It was very busy, but it only took Grace about 20 minutes to ease her way from our legs to venture around. She loved the
slides! I'm not positive what the official temperature was, but our car showed it at 92 degrees most of the afternoon. Here are some pictures of the kids at the park.

After the hot, hot park, we came home and the kids relaxed in the sprinkler. All in all, it was a nice, relaxing day with the newly expanded Hollar family.


Unknown said...

Hey! I know that park! I live around the corner from you! Our LID is 8.27.07. I would love to meet you someday. I think our oldests go to the same school! How funny is that.

Congratulations. She is absolutely beautiful.
Kelly Weist

Hon's Daddy said...

It looks like she's adjusted quite well! We do hope you get the potty training thing down! After so many years of no diapers, we are remembering now just how quickly they get used up, and how expensive they are! Jasmine thinks it's a hoot having one changed!

Anonymous said...

Hey Christy,

I wanted to email you something, but I don't have your email address. Could you email me?
Christina Jenkins