On December 7, 2008, our little girl turned four!!! She probably now thinks that birthdays last a few weeks, since we celebrated with my family at Thanksgiving, Mike's family before Thanksgiving, at Chuck-E-Cheese's with a few friends the day before her birthday, and with us ON her birthday. :-) She had a great time blowing out candles and eating cake. She also loved opening all of her presents!
Here she is at Chuck E Cheese's:
Now that Grace has been home with us for over 7 months and is adjusting quite well, we are officially ending our posts on this blog. She is now speaking as well as Tommy on most occasions and usually in complete sentences, understands most of what is spoken to her, enjoys school, loves to sing and talk on her phones, plays with Barbies and blocks and markers and dolls, misses Mommy and Daddy when a sitter steps in, loves to show off her school crafts and projects to everyone, can tell you that Jesus was born in Bethlehem, can tell you she's from China, loves to play with the neighborhood children and her friends at school, hugs her teachers and family members, is getting along well with her siblings (and sometimes too well with her partner-in-crime Tommy), and has much fewer and shorter tantrums than just two months ago. She eats almost anything and still sneaks food daily (... we just found a dozen GoGurt wrappers under the sofa cushions last week!). Hopefully the sneakiness will end soon, since it's obvious that she is getting plenty of food. At her four-year-old check-up, she did great! Not only did the tears quickly end after FOUR shots, but she was healthy and doing well. She's in the 75th percentile for both height AND weight!!! After raising children on the small side, this was a surprise. We had her examined by the county Child Find, and they were amazed at her achievements thus far. So, assuming all goes as planned, she'll be on target for kindergarten in the Fall of 2010.
We have been so blessed by having Gracelynn in our family, and we thank God for the opportunity to raise her as our own daughter.
To follow her progress and to catch up on the family happenings, continue checking in on our family blog: www.spaghettiontheceiling.blogspot.com
Thank you so much for all of the well-wishes throughout our adoption and for following our journey to four children!
Love, Christy and Mike
Belated Happy Birthday Gracelynn. What a good way to end the blog. I'm glad to hear that things are going well. I look forward to reading the family adventures on your other blog. :-)
I'm going to miss checking on this site every day. Beautiful ending to the site. Give all the kids a big hug for me.
Happy Birthday Gracelynn!!! We have been blessed to follow your journey to your new family, your new life. You are a beautiful little girl and a special child of God! Love, Greg, Jennifer, Tessa, Morgan, Raegan, and Robyn (your Huiyang sister!).
Such a terrific note to end the blog - she is truly as Pappap says our China doll. Our love to all in the family
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