Wednesday, June 6, 2007

From the Beginning....

For those that did not know of our adoption plans, it actually began in 2005. I know there are people who are wondering "why?" I have three healthy, fun, sweet biological children. A few friends think we're crazy going for number four. Ever since our youngest son, Tommy, was born in 2004, I've been torn. I didn't want to go through another pregnancy (no medical complications... just pure misery with pulled ligaments through the majority of each pregnancy... my short abdomen just didn't do well holding babies) yet I still felt a void in my heart. I still wanted another child.

In September 2005 during a Church service where an International Childrens Choir came to sing, I started crying. The Choir was made up of orphans from 4 different countries. I came home from church and flat out told Mike I wanted to adopt. I think Mike thought I'd lost my mind. We did a little research, requested information, found out what the costs were and figured we'd talk about it during our trip to Hawaii for our 10 year anniversary. Funny... it never came up. I think the selfishness of having an awesome time in Hawaii and wanting to be able to do it again made me think... "If we have four kids, who would ever babysit all four kids for us to go on a couples-only vacation?" Well, as time passed, the feeling I experienced in September kept coming back over and over. I'd see a pregnant mom and tell Mike I wanted another baby. I even suggested getting pregnant again... I think that's when Mike realized I was serious since he KNEW I didn't really want to do that. I'd hear about other adoptions and cry.

Throughout this entire time, our next-door neighbors Joanna and John had started their process of adopting through Korea. Within 9 months, they had a referral for their daughter. She was adorable, and we couldn't wait to meet her! The thought of helping another orphaned child to experience a life as our children will kept me interested.

In October of 2006, as we all awaited the papers to come for Joanna and John to fly to Korea to pick up Sara, I met a few adoptive moms while we volunteered at a local consignment sale. I heard their stories about their children while we sorted tags... and then cried the whole way home not knowing how to explain my feelings to Mike. Joanna's baby shower was the next day and it just seemed like I was surrounded by adoption talk for a reason. Mike and I had an "adoption talk" of our own that afternoon. We decided to spend a few days in prayer and see where the Lord was leading us. A few days later, Mike said, "yes"! It just seemed like the only reason holding us back was money and having to sacrifice a little... how could we let that stop us from helping another child to have a loving family? We just decided the new car, bigger home and expensive vacations would have to wait. First, we needed to complete our family.

So, now you know the story behind our decision...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am so excited for you guys! Keep us posted!!! We are thinking of adopting a 4th..we want a girl but at least 2. No more diapers for me.


The OBrien's