Saturday, February 16, 2008

Gracelynn's Room's Progress

Well, this week's icestorm (as opposed to the several other icestorms we've had lately) caused for a school cancellation on Wednesday. So, I was able to sleep in a little, and then do some work in Gracelynn's room. That same day, the Fed Ex lady brought us her armoire-box. She literally pushed it up the driveway, which was a complete sheet of ice. Man... I can see why, too. It was over 100 pounds. I had to remove the parts and take the stuff up to the bedroom in shifts (since Mike is unable to help me carry 100+ lbs up the stairs these days). The next day (Valentine's Day), I assembled her little armoire/shelving unit. So, we're getting somewhere. I'm still awaiting her bedding set to arrive. Once it does, I may paint some flowers on the new pink stripe to match the bedding. So, things are progressing.

It's now much more obvious to Tommy that it's a girl's room... it's pink now. ;-)

Another bit of cool news. I received a few new pictures yesterday via email from Mable at OCDF (Our Chinese Daughters Foundation). She got me Gracelynn's current measurements too! She is now 29 lbs and 36.5 inches tall. That makes her about 2-3 inches shorter than Tommy, and about 4-5 pounds lighter. So, we're guessing a size 3T. Her new pictures make her look so much older (although not much)! She's growing up so fast now! We need to go get her!

I also received something really neat in the mail today. I found a gentleman who collects Chinese newspapers from most of the provinces. He'll then locate the finding ads to match up with your daughter/son. In China, all abandoned children have "finding ads" placed in the paper to state where she/he was found and any other identifying marks... as well as a photo. He found our daughter! I had most of the same information that was in the ad, but now I have her baby photo! That'll definitely be something to go in the Lifebook. For those interested in this, the web address is .

Until next time...

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