Tuesday, February 12, 2008

No new news

We've been in the waiting game lately. Our homestudy report is still being worked on, although we've made progress. I have all doctors' forms filled out, all police clearances at least sent in, and even completed our 10 hours of adoption course credits. I did it online this week. I haven't received our official final certificate (could take a week), but at least it's done... and I can prove it with the 50 sheets of homework printouts. On Monday, our social worker will arrive to do a new visit with the whole family. After that, it's just waiting for final papers to arrive and for the social worker to fill out her report.

Next month we'll have to register for new fingerprints through USCIS, but that should (should!!) be the last paperwork to complete before visa and travel plans. Fortunately our I 171H doesn't expire till September, so that's still valid.

I've done a little progress in the nesting. I am in the midst of changing the soft-gold baseboard and doors to shell white (I've been slowly doing every room in this house.) We also ordered a white armoire/shelving cabinet for in Gracelynn's room to hold toys and such. We want to keep her room relatively minimal in visual stimuli, so our goal is to hold all toys and such in baskets and behind the door. She will not be used to a room full of color and toys, so we want to keep things simple. Nana and PapPap bought this for us. Actually it's "out for delivery" according to the Fed Ex website... so we should get it today.

I've also ordered her toddler bed set. It was fate. We had to get it. It's a pink quilted look comforter set called, appropriately enough,.... "Gracie's Garden". How could we not buy it? It'll have flowers and garden bugs on it... mostly pink. I also plan to move the pink corduroy curtains into that room once I repaint the middle stripe. Speaking of which... I need to replace Reagan's curtains now. I want to go for a lavender or purple curtain since her walls are pink and the stripe at the top is lavender. We fell in love with the tomboyish-yet-feminine corduroy curtains. Can anyone tell me where to get lavender corduroy curtains? Something tells me I need to just make my own. The pink ones were from Pottery Barn years ago... they no longer carry them. Every other lavender curtain I've found is too thin or too expensive or too dark. :-(

Along with the armoire, we ordered some other furniture (got our tax refund back already). The one cabinet piece for the front room just arrived. 8 chairs and the armoire are to arrive later. With Mike in a sling, I suppose I'll be doing most of the assembling, eh? ;-) That's okay... gimme a drill, and I'm in heaven. Love my drill!

When more real adoption news arrives, we'll be sure to let you know. But our best guess is that we'll hear nothing else for another 2-4 months. Sigh.

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