Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Always Something...

Today I spent the day worried over a paper that has not yet arrived. We're awaiting our new revised I-171H form that will state our new updated fingerprinting date. We were under the impression that this form was necessary for us to make travel arrangements and fly to China. Our fingerprints were done... we were simply awaiting the new form. I emailed our agency caseworker, our homestudy provider, and the USCIS person in charge of our file... after also phoning USCIS information line. We were getting nowhere and were basically told that we would have to just wait. (And possibly postpone our trip.) We were getting to the point where we'd call on our congressman, but alas... our agency caseworker emailed later in the day to say that we were fine! We didn't need the form... just the current form (with outdated fingerprint date) and the receipt that we did indeed get our new fingerprints! WHEW!

In the meantime, I learned that the Olympic torch will be passing through Guangzhou 2 days after we adopt Gracelynn! (Assuming that our dates still hold true.) How cool would that be? It will also be passing through the same town where Grace's orphanage is. It's possible that we'd be near the orphanage at that time. We'll have to see how things progress and if seeing the torch is possible.

One month till we leave? Perhaps! We'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I understand the stress of trying to wait for something not under your control and trying to get answers and getting none. I'm so glad you got a good answer yesterday letting you know that you have what you need. I'm sure you were jumping up and down when you heard that news. Hopefully a little stress is gone now.

That is very cool about the Olympic touch being in the same town where Gracelynn's orphanage is! That would be amazing if you were able to see the torch and add pictures to Gracelynn's scrapbook/lifebook. If nothing else, hopefully you can buy newspapers that have pictures and news (in Chinese :-)).