Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Say a Quick Prayer

Despite how wonderful the dates and timing have worked out, we still have one little hurdle to jump. Remember our frustration over not knowing whether or not to send a motion to USCIS regarding our I-171H (to state "special needs" child)? Well, it did get sent... and about a week later, we learned it wasn't necessary. Ugh. So, last week we sent a letter to USCIS explaining that we were given incorrect advice to go forth with the motion to change our I-171H. Our current I-171H simply states "one child", so we should be okay with the way it is written. I am doubtful that we'll receive our money back (over $500), but I'm hoping that the motion will be canceled and will not prevent our new I-171H being sent to us.

Our fingerprints expire on April 22. So, on March 20, we had our fingerprints retaken. Once those are processed, we should received a new, updated I-171H with a new fingerprint expiration. The I-171H itself doesn't expire till September. We simply need the new form that states a non-expired fingerprinting date. It hasn't arrived. We cannot travel until it does arrive. Now, usually it should arrive in about 3-4 weeks after fingerprinting. So, we SHOULD be fine. I'm just a little worried that the motion we filed will somehow screw things up. I've also been advised by other adoptive parents NOT to mess around and call and try to expedite things with the USCIS... usually that causes more delays. So I guess we wait and hope we'll receive it soon. Say a little prayer for us....

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